This past weekend was lots of fun. A few of us from my ward decided to go camping/ shooting at the middle of the desert, in the middle of nowhere!!! We left Friday night and arrived, safely, after a few mishaps at around 11pm. Saturday we went shooting. SO FUN!! I had never shot a gun before, and I must say I had tons of fun. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of me shooting yet, but I do have some of the others. I will post mine when they become available.
I realize that my birthday was a week ago, however, I am just now posting about it. I have been sooooooo busy with work and school!!
Anyway, on my birthday, I went to the happiest place on earth....Disneyland! Because I have a pass, I didn't get a free ticket, but I did get a $69 gift card that is good for up to a year. OH YEAH! Also, I have heard so much about the carmel apples at Disneyland, but had never tried one.....I sad, I have been to Disneyland several times and have never had a carmel apple. So anyway, being that my birthday is a special occasion, I had to get one. Isn't it so cute? It had carmel on the inside and chocolate on the outside and it tasted so delicious!
I truly had a great birthday! Thank you to those that made my day special!!!!