First, per my last post, I am taking up running and hope to complete a marathon this year....that is if my co-worker and I get selected. I have been working hard these last two weeks to learn how to run for at least half an hour without stopping, which is what they say you need to be able to do before you start training. I have been very diligent in going to the gym, but am having a hard time being motivated because my poor little feet are in severe pain when running. I got great shoes....don't help, I spent $50 on inserts....worse, and have been working on my form....helps, but still painful. I am hoping that I can figure something out or else 26.2 miles is going to be awesome. I am planning on a 5k in June so hopefully I can figure something out before then.
Second, I have just applied to Western Governors University where I will complete my masters in elementary education. I had a phone interview this evening and discovered I am probably going to have to take one or two pre-requisite classes and a bunch of entrance exams. Time to hit the books again I guess. But, once I get it in, there is not much course work as most of it is hands on. I am slightly concerned about the student teaching as I am not sure how I am going to keep my job and also do my student teaching. I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes a year and half from now. Anyway, I am excited to get this going and then hopefully in 2-3 years I can begin teaching!
Overall, I have great expectations for 2011. My brother is coming home next week from his mission and then it is off to CA for a week of fun times. I am looking forward to seeing him and can't think of a better way to get the year started. I have many things I want to accomplish, and if I can stop being such a slacker, I will keep this thing updated so you can follow my journey. Bring on the busy!!