Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random Happenings

It's been awhile since I've posted, but that's only because my life, though busy, has been pretty uneventful. I am, however, so glad this week is over. Worked sucked and school double sucked. Two people were gone in my office on vacation this past week leaving just two of us in the office, and let me just say that people are RIDICULOUS!!! I literally had people telling me that I needed to leave the office to go do inspections for their clients.....excuse me!!!! People are so demanding, they don't ask, they demand.

Anyway....enough with work. School is annoying. I am so over going to school and doing homework. I had three essays due this week and had a teacher tell me that she is concerned over the number of absences I have. I have that a lot?!? I think being concerned about that is a little over exaggerated! Also, I just found out this week that I may not be able to do my internship over the summer, which means that instead of being done with school in December, I won't be done until May of 2010...beautiful!!

Anyway, on a brighter note, this semester is almost done (4 weeks) and my cousins are coming down to go to Disneyland and Knotts. I can hardly wait!


Shahny said...

Two words: School sucks :D

I think work is jus ridiculous. People are so demanding at my job too. Drives me nuts!

Yall will have so much fun in Disneyland!!

Josh and Kelly said...

Hang in there with school. I sometimes felt the same way, but now that I am done, I sometimes find myself missing it! And, I shall give you the letter...t!

Heidi Prince said...

hahaha, your teacher and her absences! love it!