Sunday, August 9, 2009

YSA Conference

This past weekend was spiritually uplifting, fun-filled, and very exhausting. The state of California participated in a statewide young single adult conference for our church. It is the first time the church has attempted anything to this magnitude and though it was a bit chaotic, it was also tons of fun.

We started Saturday nice an early at 8am, which means I had to be up at 6am to get to LA by 8. My ward was in the LA Temple district. We had an opening meeting, followed by speed dating.....a little crazy, but ultimately not so bad, workshops, and a dance to end the evening at 11:30pm. Then I got to drive home, to wake up six hours later to be back at our place for a 10am Sacrament meeting. It was so neat to see the Sacrament passed to approx. 1000 people. It only took about 30 min and was like watching a production. Everything was perfect and nobody was skipped.

Overall, I had a great weekend. There were a few things that should have been done differently, but overall, nice job California. Not bad for a test run!!

1 comment:

Heidi Prince said...

how funny that we feel the same way about the speed dating portion of the conference...wasn't horrible!