So I have decided to embark on a new adventure. I am going to become a Scentsy Consultant. For those that are unfamiliar with the product, it is sort of like a flameless candle. It is a warmer that melts wax. They smell wonderful and do not get very hot...meaning no fire threat. And, becasue they don't get hot....these things are safe around pets and kids..BONUS!! I love candles, but sometimes forget to blow them out...DANGEROUS!! With Scentsy you can leave them on all day. I am having a party in a couple of weeks and will be a consultant after that. Please let me know if you want to book a party or if you want to order anything. I am super excited to make a little extra money and enjoy myself while doing so.
I love Scentsy! My friend was a consultant - you dont get much of a commission vs Mary Kay. I think Scentsy is only 10-15% but it's still FUN!
Ya it's not as much as Mary Kay, but it is a really awesome product. I get 20% cimmision until I sell $1000 and then my commision goes up to 25%. Not too bad!!
Welcome to the Scentsy Family!
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