Monday, April 12, 2010


So...for those that have not heard, I am officially moving to Utah with my Mom. We are leaving California on May 24. EEK!! Time is gonna fly! The end of May and beginning of June will be crazy as we have a trip planned to help my grandmother during Memorial Day week, which is right in the middle of all of this....should be interesting.

I am going to really miss all my friends I'm leaving behind, but am also really excited to be embarking on a new adventure. It will be weird because I've never lived anywhere else. YAY to new adventures!!!!

Oh, and if you happen to know of anyone who needs living room furniture or a King sized bedroom set....let me know. We need to get rid of ours and they are fairly cheap considering the quality.


Heidi Prince said...

:( :( :( :( :(

Shahny said...

aaahhhhhh!! I'm so excited! You are moving to Utah!!

Wendy Reves said...

awwww Heidi I'm gonna miss you, but we'll keep in touch!!!!

Shahny....I'm really excited too!!! It will be so nice to finally be near family!!!

Jared said...

Congrats on your move. If you need any help with real estate in Utah, let me know :)