Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ugh...so sorry for the lack of posts. Life has been very busy and a bit ridiculous to say the least! We have just 2 short weeks before we embark on our adventure to Utah. Bittersweet experience as I am so happy to be closer to family, but oh so sad to leave my friends here in CA. I will miss you all more than you know!! A little over a week ago we headed to Utah to look for a place to live....fail! So, now we are trying to find something from CA while we both continue to work and pack our house...fun!!!

In other news, only a week left of work and then I'll be jobless....sure hope I find one soon. For some odd reason I am really calm about the whole thing...maybe when the cash flow is stopped I'll be singing a different tune...we shall see!!

Also, I will seriously be glad when we move so that I can go back to some sort of normal life. We have no kitchen and I have no time to work out which is not helping my plan to become healthy...I am actually getting sick of eating....seriously never thought I'd say that...HAHA!!

So, in a nutshell we have no place to live, I have no job and we leave in 2 weeks....should I be worried?????


Shahny said...

nope. Billy and I have an extra room if it really comes down to down :)

Wendy Reves said...

well thanks! we might have to stay with you for a bit if we can't make something happen really soon!