Wednesday, July 21, 2010

As Promised

So here are the pics I promised I'd post. I'm only 6 weeks late...not bad right???

This little room is my favorite. Bathroom, wash room, water heater room, cat room. It is super great!!!

I love my room, but it is a bit smaller than my old one

The awesome windows we get to watch our lightning storms from!!!

I must say that I love the kitchen!!!

And my huge backyard!!

Oh and I also should mention that I decided to chop about 5 inches of my hair off. Those pics to come soon...I promise!


Heidi Prince said...

super cute wendizzle! miss you so much!

Shahny said...

Your old room was AWESOME! I loved it so very much. At least you have a HUGE backyard :)

Ps. love your hair, have I told you that yet??