Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Run as Fast as You Can!

Some time ago you may recall I set out to do a marathon with a co-worker. Yeah...that never happened.  I kind of gave up on it not long after I declared I was doing it. I hadn't really given it much thought until one day at work a friend of mine asked me to run a half marathon with her (not the same co-worker or employer). Mind you, I am not a runner but for some crazy reason I decided to go for it. Time passed and I kind of thought this might end up like the last time. You see, I am motivated by competition; if I don't sign up soon after I decide to do it, then I probably will lose interest and not do it. That and the fact that I am cheap and wouldn't want to pay for something and then not follow through. So my logic was that we would actually need to find a half and sign up so that I would feel some pressure. Again, more time went by and I was only half heartedly preparing. Well, progress has been made people! We both registered and paid last Friday and I have since been going full force with training. I now have until Oct 26 to get ready for the Haunted Half! I even bought this little number so I would have no excuses...

I am bound and determined to finish this!! Here goes nothin'


Kaylinn said...

I am excited for you and your committment to run. Doing a half is super rewarding. I still brag about mine like crazy. And that medal sits proudly on my wall. It's awesome. hard, but awesome. And don't listen to all those who run a million half's and Ragnar's and all. 13.1 miles is a big deal!

Wendy Reves said...

Thanks for the encouragement Kaylinn. I am excited to try it and to am just making it my goal to finish! Who know, maybe one day I will try a full or a ragnar. :)