Monday, January 27, 2014

Superstar Entrepreneur

The title of this post may seem odd to some of you out there, but for me this is the first step into my new journey. I was so blessed to attend a Strongbrook Convention over this last weekend and am ready to take back control of my life. I know I can do it and am so excited to see what this next year brings!

This is a subject I have been pondering for a number of years.....about 4 years to be exact. About this time 4 years ago I was in S. Cal and had just finished my final semester of college. I was at a point where I needed change and was afraid of the fact that I would never do much with my life aside from sit at a desk all day everyday while working to make someone else rich.  Sounds like fun, right? Yeah, I didn't think so. The problem was that I did not know how to fix it. I'm a fixer, so when I couldn't figure out what to do, I decided to move...out of state. Not sure that was the best idea, but then again, I believe things happen for a reason whether we ever know the reason or not. For me, I think I know some of the reasons. And, I always say "go big or go home!" Anyway, I digress. Fast forward to today; I am back at a desk yet again making someone else look good and reap the rewards. Don't get me wrong, I like my job and do get my own recognition, but at the end of the day my earning potential is capped, I get told when I can and can't leave, and I spend more hours here than I do at my home. This concept that we have been brainwashed to think has really been weighing heavy on me these last few months and I am bound and determined to change my destiny. And, I know I can.

One reason I know this is because I have tested it. I recently learned about "The Secret" which is all about the law of attraction. I have put this to the test over the last several months, and have been shocked by the outcomes. Believe me, it works! So, I have decided I am going to make "The Secret" a part of this blog. I am going to share quotes weekly from this amazing movie/novel in hopes that you too can be inspired. So, here we go.

Week 1:

"Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about." - Dr John F Demartini.
The Secret

1 comment:

Kaylinn said...

I am LOVING this new "superstar entrepreneur" blog. And I'll be looking for the quotes weekly. I need to get that book!