Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Writings on the Wall

I have always found it really fascinating and a bit odd that people feel the need to share personal secrets or events on the walls of the stalls in the bathroom. I mean really? Do I really want or need to know the Kelly is a *#&%@ or that Michelle was here?? No, I really do not. As nice as Michelle may be, I don't care that she had been in that same exact stall...I'm sure thousands of others have been there as well!!!

Well, I was at school today and happened to walk into a stall where someone had written their short term goals on the wall. Don't get me wrong, I was very entertained while using the facilities. I learned that somewhere on the CSUF campus there is a girl who would like to lose 10lbs, get rid of her "muffin top", and find a job. Great, I am so glad you shared that with I'll able to get through the rest of my day!! There was also another little message and a response to that message. However, I will spare you the details as they are rather inappropriate and have really no purpose.

Come on people, are you really that bored?!?! Please spare us all the personal and intimate secrets of your life!!


Heidi Prince said...

you know you love it. and that it totally keeps you occupied for the 2 minutes that you're there!

Wendy Reves said...

you're absolutey right!! You caught me!! LOL

Shahny said...

at least these bored and intimate people give you something to read while ur doing your business ha ha