Friday, November 8, 2013

Haunted Half

So many things have happened lately and so I am just now getting to post about this. On October 26 my brother and I ran our first half marathon. I had not prepared for this like I should have, but decided to go for it anyway. The first 6 or so miles was a breeze. I felt good, the weather was nice, the slope was downhill, and the scenery was beautiful. Come miles 7 and 8, I started feeling a little sore in my legs. My pace slowed and by mile 9 I was in complete pain in my hips, back, legs, butt, shins, and feet. I honestly felt like quitting several times, but pushed through and finally made it across the finish line to collect my medal.

I am very proud of myself for having gone out there and completed it. I never thought in my life that I would ever do one, as I have not really ever enjoyed the thought of running. I can't say I absolutely love running, but I can say that I understand a little of what runners say about it growing on you until you end up entering into so many races. I am excited to say that I am going to sign up for a 5k on Thanksgiving at Thanksgiving Point. Stay tuned....