Monday, May 31, 2010


A little over a week ago I became an official graduate!! YAY!! In some ways it feels like I was in school forever and in other ways it feels like it went speeding by. I am however, so glad to be done. It has been something that I always assumed would be accomplished, but when you start out as a Freshman and see how many classes you must complete, it seems like you'll never actually get there!!

Anyway, the day was great. Started at 4:30am to get there on time...yikes!! After the ceremony, we had a little grad/going away party. It was so much fun to say bye to everyone....and I must admit...the gifts are always nice...HAHA!!!

Below are a few pics of the days events!!

Now off to bigger and better things!!! Utah, here I come!!!


Shahny said...

You are so right. I feel like I got a long ways to go!

Congrats! And we will see you in a couple of days :D

Wendy Reves said...

It will go by so fast....and it is short lived for me since I'm gonna do a masters program when I get settled. Online school though so it won't be so bad

Heidi Prince said...

:) i made it to the blog! congrats miss wendy! miss you terribly!