Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5k...No Biggie!

So I have run my very first 5k. I was a little apprehensive about it as I am not a runner and have really not been doing so good at training for my half. However, upon completing my run I must admit that I really enjoyed it. That is a huge accomplishment for me. Those that know me know I am not at all into running....like not at all. I finished in just under 40 min and felt great! It actually makes me a little more excited for my half coming up next month. I must get outside though and train my lungs to like the cold air. That was the only thing that kept me from running the whole thing. Anyway, here is before...


and after....

Probably helped that this run was a fun run...it was a lot of fun getting blasted with color as we ran. I am definitely ready to do more runs and am excited to participate in my first half...I shall let you know how that goes!

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