Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hot Off the Presses

So another semester is under way and I must say that my life is pretty much going to be miserable for the next 4 months. I really don't know why I signed myslef up for 3 writing classes.......what was I thinking. One writing assignment due in each of the three classes once a week...UGH!!!

Anyway, you may be wondering what any of this has to do with the Harry Potter picture in the corner of this post. Well.........On top of the 3 writing classes, I have also enrolled in a Harry Potter class!! Yes, you read that right! It is a brand new class this semester and I am taking it becasue it satisfies one of my elective classes that I need for my minor. I am so excited for this class. On the first day, we were divided into the 4 different houses and we will be competing for the house cup throughout the whole semester. NICE!!!

Also, becasue this is the first time this class has been taught, our school newspaper is writing a piece on the class and came by today to take was hilarious.


1 comment:

Josh and Kelly said...

That is so cool about the Harry Potter class! You'll have to post more about what it's like!