Thursday, January 7, 2010

Life as a Working Adult

I have discovered a bunch of things, both good and bad since I am now a full time working adult.

1.) I have more free time at night....positive. I can now do things such as read...leisurely (can I just say that I am in love with Twilight. I got the series for Christmas and am obsessed), watch tv without homework interruptions, and make yummy meals for dinner.

2.) I can't just ditch at the spur of the moment, if I don't feel like going to class....negative. Being in school can have its perks!!

3.) I feel I can now devote more time to becoming healthy...a.k.a. going to the gym....positive...I think. I made my first trip to the gym this evening. First time in 3 months and I rather enjoyed it. It helps when you don't have to go alone!!

4.) I am really tired and it is only been 4 days....negative. I am not used this, but hey it's only 40 or 50 more years, right!! YIKES.

I haven't fully decided whether or not I'd rather be in school still or if I like only working. Only time will tell I guess.


Josh and Kelly said...

The night thing is a definite positive! I used to bring home all kinds of stuff to work on when I was teaching, but love being able to just do what I want! It's quite rejuvenating!

Wendy Reves said...

yes it is. I love it

Heidi Prince said...

time to move out now :)