Wednesday, December 3, 2008

'Tis the season....

It seems like so much has happened in the past week or two!!

  • I had my surgery on the Monday before not recommend doing this before a holiday!!! The doctor said it was the biggest stone he had seen...3.2cm. Anyway...I'm all good now......thank you to everyone who took care of me!!!!
  • Went to St. George to see my family for Thanksgiving.....I have not laughed that hard for a very long time........FYI, this was very painful due to recent surgery!
  • Drove 7 hours in car to get home so I could go back to work and school.......yay me!!!!
  • Put lights on house so the outside matches the I am fully engulfed in Christmas goodness!!! My house looks like a Halmark store but I LOVE IT!!
  • Back to school and with 2 weeks left, I am drowning in essays, reading, and group projects......LOVELY!!
  • Christmas shopping is not done.........must gain courage to go out and fight the crowds!

I really do love this time of year (I am a bit of a Christmas nerd). I love the cookies, candy, lights, and cheerful people. I hope everyone has a great holiday season.


Shahny said...

OMG i laughed so hard too! The Phase 10 game was the best I have ever played - part of the reason is because I actually won for once. lol

St George was fun. I'm excited for year!!

Wendy Reves said...

HAHA!!!! Yes that was super fun!!! I already miss you guys!!!

Emily said...

My stomach hurt so bad, and I wasn't even the one who had surgery!!! alright.. its set.. REMATCH! you had better get your phase 10 game on!!