Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week 3

So, week two is gone. Thank goodness!!! Pretty sure I only wrote in my journal once and I'm pretty sure the girl scout cookies didn't help me much either. Oh well. And, though I only worked out 3 times, they all were pretty intense, so I am fine with the 3 as opposed to 4. Weight loss this past week = .5lbs.

So a new week means new weekly goals.

1. Limit my soda intake to three times this whole week.
2. Increase my water intake
3. Eat less girl scout cookies....they are almost gone...I swear!!
4. Write in my journal 4 times this week
5. Exercise 4 times

Until next week!!!

1 comment:

Shahny said...

Week loss is better than a week gain :)

good luck on this week!