Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 4

Wow....have I seriously been at this for a month?!?! Time sure flies when your having fun....or not!! Anyway yes, I am a slacker; it is Thursday and I am just now posting my results...get over it!!! LOL!

Well, I didn't weigh in until Tues and I was down a pound. YAY!!! Surprising because I only worked out twice and have found that it is not possible for me to drink less diet coke. Therefore, I also did not drink as much water as I had hoped. And, to top it all off....I went to the rainforest cafe for a birthday and yes, had the volcano cake (I did share it with 5 other ladies, but still!!) I also, ate too much candy and really just enjoyed food a little too much this week. Oh well, I just hope it doesn't catch up with me this week.

Here are my goals for this week (as it is Thursday, I have already started working on these)

Work out 3 times
Drink more water
Clean out my room (this burns calories so this is a bonus!!)
Write in my journal twice

Until next week!!!

1 comment:

Shahny said...

Yay! Great job on the loss! Soon we will be hot mammas!

Ps. I nominated you for an award. Check it out: